Saturday, March 16, 2013


I love this Tenth Avenue North song, "Worn". I think the thing that I love the most about it is the focus on redemption. I think about the cry of the orphan. For kids that have waited YEARS for their forever family to come, yet they wait... 

I think their souls feel crushed by the weight of this world and they have no one to help shoulder that with them. Can you imagine for a second how they must feel to have no place to really call home, no mom and dad to help them navigate life, nobody to look into their eyes and tell them they are a precious child of God? As the days turn into months, and the months turn into years, and they still wait alone: knowing that the day will come when they are cast out onto the street with little or no material possessions, no money, and no place to go - they begin to lose hope. They've seen this happen to other children and they know that time is coming for them too if nobody steps up for them. 

This part of the song really stands out to me: 

Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart
That’s frail and torn
I wanna know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that’s dead inside can be reborn
Cause I’m worn

I know I need to lift my eyes up
But I'm too weak
Life just won’t let up
And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left

I know God sees the orphan. I know He hears their cries. I pray that they can sense His presence in the midst of their desperation and pain. I know that He sees they are worn. 

Some people have asked us why we would adopt an older boy. This is why. We believe in redemption. We believe that God can restore what has been stolen from a child who has been labeled as an underdog in life, an outcast. We believe that God can heal that broken heart and make it new. We believe that God will restore those years spent in an orphanage - alone and hungry. We believe that gently placing a hand under the chin of that child and looking into his eyes and saying "You are mine. I love you. You were chosen. We love you. God loves you. He didn't forget you." will begin to heal those places left raw and hurting in his heart. We know LOVE WORKS (a motto of our church) and we believe in LOVING BIG. Sometimes we have to wade through some muck and go to the hard places to see that healing happen, but we know that REDEMPTION will win. The struggle will end. And the child that is frail and worn will be restored to a healthy, thriving child of God. 

I know many of you are adopting or hosting children from all corners of the world. But if you're not, will you step into this with us? Will you be a part of the story of redemption for Viktors? He'll turn 12 this month. We still need about $750 for his hosting fees this summer. We are believing God will move the mountain of fees to bring Viktors home forever. 

You can donate HERE to contribute to Viktors' hosting fees. All donations are tax-deducatable and go straight to our hosting agency, New Horizons for Children. 

Pray with us that we can see redemption win in Viktors' life! 

~ Paula

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes, yes. I love this. Praying with you, friend!!!!
