While the adults were in class, I (and 2 other amazing leaders) got to hang out with 14 of the most awesome kids EVER! These kiddos are incredible! I know I'll leave this 10 weeks more changed than they will. I have to admit, my breath caught in my chest for a second tonight. Here I was in a room filled with children of every color; some from here in the US and some from other parts of the world. Children who know family means love and not genes or blood type. Some of these children come from hard places and struggle daily as they learn to heal and how to be a family together. Children who look nothing alike - children who have only been siblings just a few short months - staying close by to comfort their newest sibling and making her feel secure and at ease in this new environment. Children who look at the child beside them and say, "I'm from China, where are you from?" as they play with cars on the floor. Children who sit together and draw flags to represent their birth-countries, so proud to announce where they were born. These kids get it. These kids don't complicate things the way we adults tend to do.
For a second, I imagined that is what Heaven must look like. This is real-life, every nation, tribe and tongue. For a second, I seriously considered if I should take my shoes off because this must be holy ground. I am so thankful I get a little peek of that here on earth.
One little family touched my heart in big ways. There are two biological children and a new adopted sister from Bulgaria at age 6 - just home this summer - she is right in between her big brother (7) and little sister (4). The littlest sister stayed close to her new sister, comforting her and sticking close in case she needed her. She showed her where her snack was and her drink and sat close to her as they ate together. When they were playing play-doh together, she moved her chair closer to her sister to help her. The big brother came by and looked after both of his little sisters - checking in on them pretty regularly. At one point - when the other children were talking about where they were from - he announced proudly: "My sister is from Bulgaria!" He was so proud to announce his sister's birth-country. They were the sweetest kids. I came home and told my hubby all about this little girl and how she touched my heart.
I love that I get to be a part of this. I love that God shows me big things through these amazing kids. I feel like my eyes were opened a bit wider tonight - praying that I continue to see more clearly.
That's so cool. I have tears in my eyes reading this.